
Goals & Opportunities for CRO for Grant Year 2015-2016

The CRO Executive Board approved the following goals for grant year 2015- 2016.

Goal 1. Increase accruals to NCI clinical trials

  • Exceed NCI’s treatment credit goal by 2% during grant year 2015-16
  •  Exceed NCI’s cancer control credit goal by 2% during grant year 2015-16
  •  Develop Cancer Care Delivery Research at Cox and Mercy Springfield as the program becomes
  •  Explore telemedicine for clinical trial enrollments
  •  100% of all cancer patients be screened at all CRO component sites

Goal 2.  Improve communication efforts to keep CRO investigators and staff aware of clinical trial availability

  •      Visit yearly with physicians and staff at each of our components to offer assistance and
    encourage enrollment to trials
  •  Hold twice yearly CRO Steering Committee meetings with national speakers on new cancer
    therapies and treatments
  •  Hold one CRO Steering Committee meeting in St. Louis allowing those far away to attend
  •  Explore concept of assigning different PIs for each research base

Goal 3.  Ensure quality at CRO

  •     75% of CRO’s clinical research professionals will be credentialed as certified research
    professionals or oncology nurses
  • Randomly select at least one patient record from each staff enrolling patients for quarterly
    internal auditing
  • Work for improved quality assurance at CRO and its components with: 1. Maintaining timely
    and accurate data submission 2. Responding to queries in a timely manner to address those
    that occur
  • Stabilize staff turnover at Hulston Cancer Center

Goal 4.  Promote CRO on a National Level

  • Encourage new investigators to become involved in NCI trials locally and at a national level
  • Strive to have a CRO representative involved on committees at all NCI